Rajesh M. Hegde

 Professor (HAG),  IIT Kanpur

Sponsored Projects

1. Center for Railway Research (CRR), Ministry of Railways, Rs. 19.0 Crores, 2020 – No Fixed Time Limit. (First PI from Feb. 2020 – Mar 2023)
This Major project MoU was signed by the Chairman Railway Board in the presence of the Director IIT Kanpur and Directors of four other IITS, in 2020. Subsequently an amount of Rs 19.0 crores has been sanctioned against the submission of new proposal in 2021 by me (First PI), for setting up the Center for Railway Research (CRR) to IIT Kanpur.

2. Sparse Framework for Super Resolution Ambisonic Audio Reproduction in Spherical Harmonic Domain, Mathematical Research Impact Centric Support (MATRICS) Scheme, Rs. 6.0 Lakhs, SERB-DST, 2022 – 2025.

3. Automatic Speech Recognition for Speech Sub-Titling, Prasar Bharati, Rs. 168.0 Lakhs, 2021 – 2024 (Co-PI)

4.  SMART-RIC6G: Smart Drift-Handling Enabler for RAN Intelligent Controllers in 6G Networks, TTDF, India Rs. 1.3 Cr, 2024-2027 (In Budget approval stage)


Consultancy Projects

1. Integrating Vision Transformers with Edge Computing: Enhancing Visual Intelligence and Efficiency, USD 70,000 in Two phases (USD 35,000 for Phase-I), Seagate Technology LLC, 2024-2025.

2. Smart Edge Caching over 5G Networks in Federated Learning Framework, USD 70,000 (Phase 1: USD 35000, and Phase 2: USD 35000), Seagate Technology LLC, 2022-2024

3. Adaptive Beamforming for Multisource Speech Separation, Samsung Research Institute Bangalore, Rs. 61.0 Lakhs (In Budget approval stage)